Friday, January 17, 2025

Reconcile Your Accounts

Today the Lord speaks of the word "Reconciliation", a term also used in accounting. If God wants you to concentrate and engage in business, you will be able to sense it because He is always in your heart, speaking to you each day of your life. 

Be faithful in complying what is required of you by law. Render an accounting by way of reconciling and updating your accounts so that you can come up with a year-end report. Pray that God's hand shall be upon these works so that you may always be at peace. 

Patiently wait for the rewards of His promises. What matters is that the Lord placed you with this responsibility knowing that He has equip you with the necessary talent to do so. 

The Lord gives you the equity needed for His work in you to begin and will lead you towards the house that He is giving. Distance is not a hindrance for the Lord's kindness and faithfulness towards your house. 

There are still a lot of things you have to learn from the Lord Jesus in order to be like Him and be pleasing to your Heavenly Father. He will always be there for you, through thick and thin. His salvation is not only seen by those who are near but it reaches even those who are at the ends of the earth.

January 17, 2024, 6:10 AM

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Hear God's Word and Take Action

Today, salvation has come to this house. For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost. Rise up in splendor! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you, the stewardship of God's grace who is to shepherd my people.

The Lord shall open your ears to obedience, and He shall cure all your illness, sickness or any type of disease. All you need to do is heed to His word. This is the word of the Lord that comes to you today. Believe in the power of God's Word and you shall be healed!

The Lord shall not permit any word of His to be without effect. Your ears were opened so that your body can take action.

The success of every endeavor depends on careful planning and character building. The attainment of a goal lies on how you respond to each and every word of the Lord for this are all geared towards building up your character that is truly pleasing to Him.

Be on top of every situation in all expansions that you desire so that you can further stretch out to service and cater the needs of your potential clients and guests. Take full control in accordance with the Lord's plan, design, and instructions. 

The Lord always put order in your daily work and activities. Focus on the new and avoid mix-ups so that you can accomplish more effectively and not have any backlogs.

"Indulgence and Prosperity". Two very inspiring words that comes from the Lord through a vision. These are promises kept in store for you until the appointed time comes when all things are ripe and ready for harvest.

January 16, 2024, 6:22 AM

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Rise Up to a New Life in Christ!

The most common trouble and concern of people today is always focused on their financial problems. A person feels more secured if he has enough resources or savings in case of need.

In this generation where you live, things are easily said than done. Those who can easily avoid sins are those who do not experience hardships. One can easily be obedient if given the abundance of resources as an expression of their thankfulness and appreciation of God's generosity.

What is amazing is the fact that if the Lord makes you poor in some ways, He shall also make you rich in other vast ways. Having troubles can remind you of your dependency on your maker. Rest upon the assurance that God did not intend anybody to be poor for He is not poor but rich and powerful. He wants everybody to be just like Him.

For so long as one suffers, he will always depend upon God. Going through the motion and not just learning them by way of reading can cause one to say that "I have been there, and I have completely understood the way of life that God wills for me".

You are at peace knowing that the Lord had blessed you with more than enough resources. Resources that will serve as your build-up fund for the acquisition, building, and development of the property that the Lord will give to you in the village where you now dwell.

January 15, 2024, 6:57 AM

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Make Your Request Known to God

The Lord will grant all the desires and wishes of your heart.

The Lord rules over your life today. You are not subordinate to anybody except the Lord who is your true King and Master. As the Lord's steward, you shall make a full and regular report and devote your time, talent, and treasure for the glory of God. 

You live in a generation where most people are wayward and rebellious. A generation that kept not its heart steadfast nor its spirit faithful towards God. 

The true test of faith is for one to still respond to the same degree of obedience in the light of hardships and difficulties that one faces. To be faithful is not conditional, it is absolute. It requires full submission of oneself to the Lord. No ifs nor buts, only total obedience to God's will. 

Right is right, wrong is wrong, there is nothing in between. There is no excuse for disobedience. Strive to enter into that rest, so that no one may fall after the same example of disobedience. For whom the Lord loves He chastens and scourges every son whom He receives. 

Pray to the Lord that He may grant you the wisdom to know and understand His will with regards to your function, rights, and assignment based on God's structure of leadership. Always be open minded and obedient to what the Lord says.

At the end of the day, what will matter and count most is your own character. They will either accept or reject you based on your own doing.

January 14, 2024, 5:37 AM

Monday, January 13, 2025

Take Every Word of the Lord Seriously

The Lord is truly a living God, ready to answer the cries of His children!

God's word is alive and powerful, it can read your thoughts and judge your intentions. Today, the Lord speaks to your heart telling you to stick upon the wisdom and that is to remain focused on your faith in Jesus Christ. 

God is your father. Spending time with God is proof of His love and care as a Father would do to his son. Through Christ, He makes you worthy to have the fullness of life that only the Lord can give. God knows your needs physically and tells you what you must do spirituality in order to bring your life into conformity to Christ. 

God is your wisdom and strength. You struggle to forgive others because there still exist a stronghold of pride in your innermost being. Whenever you get hurt or disappointed by somebody, you do not just take it sitting down nor find it in your heart to easily forgive. This is not a "Principle" to fight or stand up for, but a sense of "Pride and Ego". 

God is your provider. You are gladdened to see that huge amounts of business collections had begun to pour out like rain. Your dream and desire has become a reality. The Lord always makes it possible that you are equip with all the needed resources. Nothing is expensive when it comes to the Lord. 

God is your healer. In times of sickness, pain, and suffering, you can only rely upon the Lord's healing grace to make you whole again. You have experienced in the past a life changing event and true eye opener that only God can remove all infirmities of men. You are in a journey into full recovery. The Lord shall get rid of your addictions. 

All your readings confirmed that you have indeed heard God's voice and the words contained in today's scriptures are mostly answers to your prayers. Always start your day in making a connection between your daily life and what the Lord would want to say to you through His word. Make it a habit of taking every word of the Lord seriously, knowing that it is able to judge your heart and mind.

Published: January 13, 2024, 5:37 AM

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Speak Lord

God has a plan for you, and He will take any opportunity you give Him to tell you about it. When God speaks to you, your life will never be the same again. 

God is with you making His word effective. His words always come with effect as though His hand touches your heart. You shall continue to grow up for the Lord is with you. Cultivate a listening heart to hear not only the voice of God but also one another’s voices. Be humble and willing to learn from other people.

Hear God's voice and listen to His Word.  Keep your mind and heart open, or you may not hear Him clearly when He speaks. Moved with pity, He stretched out His hand, touched him, and said to him, “I do will it. Be made clean.” (Mk 1:41). Believe in the power of God's Word and you shall be healed! 

You have always been of erring heart because you do not know the ways of the Lord (Heb 3:10). You do not think in the same way as God does and more often, your actions and decisions are totally opposite from those that He says to you. Follow Jesus and you will never go wrong. Allow His grace to build on your response to His call, no matter how limitted your response may be. Be faithful and cooperate with God’s work in you.

Faith is proven by obedience. The true test of faith is for one to still respond to the same degree of obedience in the light of hardships and difficulties that one faces. Things are easily said than done. Those who can easily avoid sins are those who do not experience hardships. One can easily be obedient if given the abundance of resources as an expression of their thankfulness and appreciation to God's generosity. 

As you walk towards the new mission that the Lord have purposed for the life He has given you in this world, His vast riches and glory shall be upon you so that in everything that you say and do, God will always be praised and glorified.

January 12, 2024, 5:54 AM

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Rise and Go a Step Further

God can always turn everything around and do the impossible. Today, the Lord tells you that much is still in store for you and a day will come when all things shall be upside down. He grants your petition which you have made to Him.

God supplied you with all the provisions you need and much more, He gave you comfort that not all are fortunate to have. Never place your trust on other humans but on the Lord as your God alone. All your efforts will only go to waste if you do so. Only in the Lord will you be truly fruitful in all your works and endeavor. 

God gave you the peace you have longed for and desired all through your life. When you were down and out, God was with you in order to level with you. It was during this time that He opened His kingdom for you. Go in peace all your days.

God transforms your sadness into joy. Whatever trouble is bothering you, pour it out to the Lord. Never despair no matter how hopeless your situation may become. You can withstand all things that comes your way because you are deeply rooted in Him. The Lord alone can save you from all of life's miseries. If you are under stress, anxious or weary of anything, pray!

Your sincerity in having a relationship with the Lord has merited its rewards. Pray for the grace to be unrelenting in your own petitioning of God for His blessings. Present yourself before the Lord and consider serving Him as a way of life.

At the end of the day, God will always answer you and shall give whatever you ask for in prayer in Jesus Name. It may come sooner or later but still; the Lord hears you. He is your God and Father, ask and it shall be given.

January 11, 2024, 6:04 AM

Friday, January 10, 2025

Demonstrate a Life of Service to God

The Lord is always mindful of your wellbeing. All good things that you see and all good works that makes you live in peace and abundance comes from the hand of the Lord, the king of glory! This is His glory that is upon you today, making you enjoy life to the full. Behold, your glorious days are forthcoming!

Jesus paid a very high price to bring you to glory. To become a leader of salvation, one must be made perfect through suffering. Jesus "for a little while" suffered in order to fulfill His mission of bringing salvation to the world, but now and forever, He sits at the right hand of God the Father, in the glory of His throne, and all things were subjected to Him. Work is more rewarding if you have suffered to accomplish it. Consider the current crisis you are facing as an experience that is fitting to fulfill righteousness. This is another form of learning experience from Christ who teaches those He love.

Jesus rules over the works of the Father's Hand. He has given you a life of glory through His works so that you may be one with Him just as He is one with God the Father of glory. Everything you do today comes from the work of the Father's hand through Christ. The hand of God works in building up families because He is one with them. Jesus, for whom and through whom all things exist brings God's children to glory as the one true head and leader. Through Him, we were made of one origin as a child of the Father in His own family.

January 10, 2024, 4:48 AM

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Prepare the Way

God is great! His manifold works have filled you with good things. Things that you have never imagined that you will receive in your lifetime. Today is the day set by the Lord for you to make the necessary preparations. He wants you not just to always be ready but to be advance in anticipating His enormous blessings that shall come your way.

Prepare the way for your travels. Nowadays, you can easily travel on the wings of the wind. The Lord has given you brand new and luxurious vehicles that only the rich can afford. In the nearest future, He shall also bring you to travel to other places in the world. A pilgrimage to the holy land and a vacation visit to Japan and the United States.

Prepare the way toward goodness and righteousness. The grace of God is upon you, saving and training you to do what is good and pleasing to Him. Always do what is good by way of rejecting godless ways and worldly desires. Live temperately, justly, and devoutly in this age as you await the Blessed Hope, the appearance of the glory of the great God and of our savior Jesus Christ. He is eager to do all that is good to you in order to make your life full and complete. He is your great God and savior who gave Himself up for you so that you can be His own.

Prepare the way to give comfort to God's people. This is a time to return and to rebuild. A time to receive the hand of the Lord in helping those who are in need. The Lord God rules by His strong arm. His reward is with Him, His recompense before Him. He shall bring you up to the mountain where your ultimate reward and recompense awaits.

Prepare the way to receive the glory of the Lord. Man's glory fades but the glory of the Lord stands forever. In His glory, you shall continue to receive bountiful blessings in the field of building roads, bridges, and highways. Thank the Lord for always providing you with rich and finest foods. Your life and wholebeing is at the palm of His hands and only God can make all your desires, wishes, and dreams come true.

January 09, 2024, 6:38 AM

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Ask and It will be Yours

God your Father in heaven is the giver of all things. He listens to your prayers. Today, ask of the Lord and He will give you. Have confidence that whatever you have asked for shall be granted to you and is already yours. 

Jesus lights up your world. Your light has come. Rise up in splendor, the glory of the Lord shines upon you (Is 60:1). Come and delight in the Lord's rich fare. He has prepared a feast for you. He invites you to His table of grace and to His covenant of love so true. He has satisfied your every need, offers you His bread and wine and to His presence He will lead. He has filled your heart with joy, shares with you His promises and to His glory He will employ.

Jesus is the beloved Son of God in whom the Father is well pleased. You belong to God through Christ His Son and nothing can separate you for His love. Be on guard against anything that can hinder your focus on the Lord. Be alert to the signs of sin in your life and be aware of what is happening to the people around you. Always pray for forgiveness of sins and protection from evil one who has power over the world. 

God's thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are His ways your ways. He sees the end from the beginning, and He works in mysterious ways. He does not think as we think, nor does He act as we act. He is holy and righteous, and He is faithful and exact. He knows the secrets of the heart, and He tests the motives of our ways. He does not judge as we judge, nor does He love as we love. He is gracious and compassionate, and He is merciful and just. 

You will never set a goal so big or attempt a task so significant that God does not have something far greater that He could do in and through your life. You cannot go on our own. You need to stand firm with others.

The Lord has a plan and purpose for you and He will guide you to see this through. He does not change nor does He fail. He is sovereign who always prevail. He has placed in your heart the blessed virgin Mary to be your mother too. A mother whose love to her son is pure and unconditional.

January 08, 2024, 6:52 AM

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Possess Jesus and Believe in Him

This is the best day of your life. The Word of the Lord you receive each morning runs swiftly to your entire day and fills you with nothing but the best that life could offer. Glorify the Lord and give praises to your God!

Jesus rules over your life today, putting all things under His feet. His wisdom enables you to speak and do things with authority. You now live in peace, prosperity, comfort and abundance all because of His love for you. You cannot depend on anyone to save and rescue you from enormous predicaments that you may face from day to day except Him. 

There is no limit to the Lord's wisdom that is upon you. Each day, the Lord leads you to reflect upon His holiness and glory, guiding your feet towards the right path of salvation, and filling your heart and thoughts that your life should demonstrate a life of service to God. Truly there are many ways to invest one's life. Choose to invest in devoting yourself to the pursuit of righteousness, with the hope of receiving a sure reward. 

Great is the Lord and mighty in power. The power of the Lord's hands works mightily in you. The Lord works to rebuild your life, giving you peace and prosperity all your days.  He strengthens all things that can give you protection and security and He has blessed your children within you. He has given you a family who works with you as your very own helping hands. 

There is no single day at work without receiving abundant blessings from the Lord. He always makes your day full and complete, combining work with pleasure and relaxation. He does these not only to you but to your entire household and family. All things are accomplished in Christ who works for good in all of you.

Your life is in Jesus. Seek the kingdom of God and all its righteousness and all things shall be added unto you. Claim its great rewards in all aspects of life. It is not by accident that most of God's words spoken to you today are indeed answers to your prayers.

January 07, 2024, 6:34 AM

Monday, January 6, 2025

Set High Upon a Mountain

As you live in the Lord's mountain of peace, you shall be His instrument in bringing justice to the hills.

This is the best day of your life. God had set you up high upon a mountain to experience His abundant provisions. Here, He gives you a new and everlasting life of joy. This is the Hand of God that is upon you today and for the rest of your life in the world. Rejoice and be glad in Him! 

The Lord shall set a permanent home for you and your family so that you will no longer live from place to place.  God gives you a large amount of money as His continuing support to your growth and development. He will sustain you with His vast and unlimited resources so that your biggest dreams will come true.

The Lord shall defend the afflicted and save the children of the poor. Justice shall flourish in His time, and fullness of peace forever. God sends you as His instrument of love to the lowly and the poor.  They cry out in anguish and have been afflicted in every way. They have no one to turn to for help except the Lord. Defend the afflicted and save the children of the poor so that justice and profound peace shall be upon you all the days of your life. 

As the clay is in the potter's hand, so you are in God's hand. Clay has no plans of its own, no aspirations for service nor reluctance to perform its given task. It is just a clay, moldable, pliable, totally submissive to the will of its master. Do not limit yourself into just looking for your own welfare but to be versatile like clay to look upon your rightful place and role as a citizen of the world. You may not yet know what lies ahead as Your purpose for this revelation. 

What is important today is to do whatever the Lord tells you. Be on guard against anything that can hinder your focus on the Lord. Proclaim His happiness and be filled with His glory. God alone does wondrous deeds. Blessed forever be His glorious name!

January 06, 2024, 6:59 AM

Sunday, January 5, 2025

See and Testify

Love as Jesus Loves and greater things shall come your way.

Jesus is the love of your life. He loves you unconditionally despite your sins. Know and believe in the love God has for you. He has given you His Own Spirit. Today, humbly ask and pray to the Lord for His heart of love, mercy, and compassion. 

God's love is brought to perfection in you. A love that is not selfish but extends to those whose hearts are hardened. The way you came to know love was that He laid down his life for you; so you ought to lay down your life for your brothers (1 Jn 3:16).

Love not in word or speech but in deed and truth (1 Jn 18). It is not easy to express love most especially to those who have hurt you but the truth is only love can set you free. God's love is your binding weapon to counter all evils of the world. Basking in His love can make you overcome all hurts. 

God sends you as His instrument of love to the lowly and the poor. If someone who has worldly means sees a brother in need and refuses him compassion, how can the love of God remain in him? (1 Jn 3:17) The poor cries out in anguish and have been afflicted in every way. They have no one to turn to for help except the Lord. Only in God's love can you forever live in peace, prosperity, and harmony with one another. 

Each time you express your love for others, the love of God is brought to perfection in you. It is not the gifts nor the material things that matters but your care and loving presence. No amount of wealth can buy love. At the end of the day, all that remains is "Love".

God is good all the time! He has given you the gift of rendering service as a profitable business endeavor where you continue to receive the abundance of His graces and blessings. Serve the Lord with gladness (Ps 100:2). Be obedient to all that God have commanded you. 

You shall see greater things in the coming days. Things that will surely bring utmost joy and gladness to your heart. Things that only the Lord your God can give. What seems to be are not, and what seems not to be is actually the one. At a time you least expect, the glory of the Lord comes and it is packed and full of great and glorious things that you have never seen in your life.

January 05, 2024, 6:21 AM

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Hope when there is no Hope

 Today, God gives you true love and life through Christ. He brings you to another dimension where what matters most are not material things but your love relationship with Him Father and all His children.

This is the Lord's answer to your prayer. He opens your eyes to the truth and reality that all that you asked for is already in you and that is Jesus. He is all you need for everything is in Him. All you need to do is to just follow His examples and obey Him by the letter. 

In the past, you have known prayers as an act of sending out petitions and to express yourself to the God who created you. You recite prayers that you have memorized since childhood as some sort of a habit or obligation. Whenever you do not see results, you immediately conclude that God has not heard nor answered your prayers.

Before the Lord, for He comes, for He comes to rule the earth; He will rule the world with justice and the peoples with equity (Ps 98:9). Let no one deceive you. The person who acts in righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous (1 Jn 3:7). God is just in all His ways. He is always righteous in all the things He say and do through Christ. He makes you focus on His word that comes to you each day. He helps you to be righteous in all your affairs and dealings so that in everything, He will be praised and glorified. 

“What are you looking for?” (Jn 1:38) Jesus knows full well the intents of your heart. He accepted you as His own. He is everything to you, the one true source of all that you are and all that you will be in the days to come. Only by His grace can you stand and emerge victorious in all of life's battles and challenges. 

God's love counters the negativity and self-interest at work in the world. Humbly look to the Lord and ask for His wisdom and strength to carry you out in accomplishing all the works that needs to be done. The Lord will help you fully complete all the legal requirements of business so that you can begin to operate in a just and legal manner.

January 04, 2024, 6:45 AM

Friday, January 3, 2025

Plant the Word to bear fruit

Words will remain mere words unless put into action. No Word of the Lord goes back to Him unaccomplished.

Today, you shall receive from the Lord whatever you ask. See what love the Father has bestowed on you that you may be called a child of God. Yet so you are. What the Lord wants for you is always the best. 

God brought back the inheritance you lost and gave you the land He had promised to serve as your permanent dwelling place. He has rescued you from the pit of poverty and financial insecurity and gave you a life of peace and prosperity. He has made you rich in every way, having an overflow and abundance of Hour graces and blessings, lacking in nothing and having everything with sound mind, heart, and body. All these He continues to provide so that you may stand as His instrument of blessings to others. 

The glory of God's victory is upon you through Christ. He is your guiding wisdom to always be just and fair in all your dealings. One maybe rich in earthly treasures but lacking in love. Working for profit is not complete until such profit is shared among those who are in need. 

God is the one true love of your life in Jesus. He shall further bless you with new beginnings as you look forward to more bountiful graces in the days to come. Do not worry about tomorrow for the Lord will always be with you, lavishly providing for all your needs.

You belong to God through Jesus Christ who is in you. The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. The reason the world does not know you is that it did not know Him. Whatever the Lord wants you to do, just do it. 

Sacrifice is an expression of God's Word written in your mind and deeply embedded in your heart. Sacrifice hurts. Only a heart that is full of love, mercy, and compassion can willingly offer to sacrifice for the greater good of others.

Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. If you consider that God is righteous, you also know that everyone who acts in righteousness is begotten by Him.  Embrace the mercy and love of God and turn away from sin. Remain in Him, so that when He appears, you may have confidence and not be put to shame by Him at His coming.

January 03, 2024, 7:11 AM

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Remain in the Lord!

Today, the Lord anoints you as His disciple. He is your one and true teacher who teaches you about everything that is true. Your true identity and purpose are at the palm of God's hands.

God's light of life has come to you and His glory shines upon you. Hold on to your anointing and knowledge of the truth, not easily persuaded or influenced by events, circumstances, and personalities that may come your way. Make straight the way of the Lord.

In the old days, one can say, "whoever God has anointed becomes a ruler". But today, one says "whoever has the Gold rules". People have become a totally materialistic generation to the point that the common excuse is, "God will understand, I have to bring food to the table, I have to pay the bills, or I have to cope up with the standard of living". I . . ., I, . . . always I, no longer the Lord!

On the other hand, the rulers of the land came up with a saying, "Ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do for your country". In total contrast with the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the One truly Ruler, "Ask and You shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you." 

Jesus is the way that leads to life. Life in the world is temporary but life in the Lord is eternal and everlasting. Others may deceive you, but God will always be true to you. At the guise of being concerned, you can be deceived by a person whose true intent is born out of his own selfish ambition and interest.

Follow the examples of Jesus as a ruler. Instead of projecting Himself as the Mighty and Powerful King, He chose to obey the Father in becoming a Shepherd. To be a ruler is to be like a shepherd who tends his flock with tender loving care, in the same manner as a father who cares a lot for his children. 

Be radiant at what you see. Your heart shall throb and overflow, for the riches of the sea shall be emptied out before you, the wealth of nations shall be brought to you. Always stick to the Lord and you will never go wrong. Walang Iwanan!

January 02, 2024, 6:57 AM

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Observe God's Way

God the Father sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to be your Savior and Redeemer. In Him, you have received adoption to also be a son of God. This is the reason why nothing can separate you from God for in your heart, Jesus dwells. He has set you free to be an heir of His glorious riches. Place your life under the grace of salvation day after day.

Jesus is the way. His love and compassion bring you to His saving grace and you shall be blessed. Be guided by the Lord in all your ways and be just and fair in your dealings with others. Be glad for God does not look upon your sins.

The Lord blesses you and keep you! He has always been gracious to you and have looked upon you kindly, giving you the peace and comfort of abundant living. Focus on the giver and not the gifts. In all that you say and do, always invoke upon His mighty Name and He will bless all your undertakings.

Surrender to God’s grace and blessing and trust that He has something new and exciting for you. Be expectant and open your heart to His Word and Spirit that you may always be blessed by His love.

Today is the day to receive all things new. The earth has yielded its increase; the Lord, your God, has blessed you. The Lord's face shines upon you making you look young, fresh, and vibrant. In God's eyes, you look glorious which is far great than looking gorgeous. Praise the Lord Your God for He has done it!

January 01, 2024, 7:47 AM

Reflecting on them in her heart

And Mary kept all these things, 
reflecting on them in her heart. 
(Luke 2:19)

In the fields of Bethlehem, on a silent night the shepherds watched their flocks with care when suddenly the sky was filled with heavenly light and an angel of the Lord appeared. "Do not be afraid," the angel said with joy "For I have good news for you and all. Today in David's town, a baby boy is born. He is Christ the Lord, the Savior of all. And this will be a sign for you to find the child. He is wrapped in cloths and lies in a manger. Hurry now and see the one who is born so mild. He is God with us, Emmanuel, no stranger."

The shepherds went in haste to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known the message that had been told them about this child. All who heard it were amazed by what had been told them by the shepherds. And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart. Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, just as it had been told to them. When eight days were completed for his circumcision, he was named Jesus, the name given him by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. (Luke 2:16-21)

Jesus, you are the light of my life who shines in my heart and guides my way, filling me with Your grace and Your love and the one true source of my joy and my peace. You are the truth of my life who teaches me Your word and Your will, inspiring me with Your wisdom and Your power and the very foundation of my faith and my hope. You are the life of my life who died for me and rose again, sharing with me your body and your blood and the utmost goal of my journey and my end. I give You all the glory and praise all my days. Amen.

January 01, 2024, 10:32 AM

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Receive God's Grace and Truth

Being true to your faith has brought you to the Greatness of God's Glory!

God has given you so much joy and comfort and you have lavished upon His great and awesome graces and blessings this year. Honor and bless the Lord in deep and profound gratitude as you reflect upon His love, goodness, and generosity. None of these could have ever happen and take place if not for the abundance of His provisions. 

It is the last hour. As the year comes to a close, God reminds you of the things that can distract your focus on Him and lead you out of faith. Know what is to come and appear. The antichrists will persuade a lot of people to abandon their faith. Stand firm to the truth of your faith and reveal the truths of the Gospel with your life.

Glory of the Lowly. God saves you day after day. You are sinner who constantly needs the saving grace of God day after day. This is the most important reason why the Holy Spirit made you delight upon God's word each day. As you enter the new year, ask the Lord for His saving grace together with all His children in the world. 

May you always be protected and saved from all harm such as sickness, accidents, calamities, crimes and violence, and all forms of evil the roams the world. May the Lord finally remove all deadly viruses that exists in the world today so that all the peole can again go back living their normal lives without fear of any infection. 

Knowledge of truth. Let truth prevail over your life each day. Never deny the Lord for He alone is the way, the truth, and the life. Hold tight to your anointing and knowledge of the truth that you have received from the Lord Himself, not easilly persuaded or influenced by events, circumstances, and personalities that may come your way. Continue with your writings of the truth. Live each moment—carpe diem, seize the day, and respond to God’s grace.

To God be the glory! Let everything that is in you bring praise and glory to His Name. God is most loving, merciful, kind, and understanding. He will never allow you to be separated from Him for all eternity for the Lord your God created you and gave you life in this world.

December 31, 2023, 6:52 AM

Monday, December 30, 2024

Be filled with God's Wisdom and Favor

The favor of God is upon you through Christ. Perform everything according to God's Word and you shall grow strong, filled with wisdom, and the favor of God.

You are a child of God in Christ. All the good works that are happening to you each day comes from the Lord's great love for you. His hands enable you to do things that are far beyond your expectations, bringing about so much joy and happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction. 

Each day, the Lord pours out grace upon grace without measure so that you may enjoy the abundant fruits of His hands. Each and every thing that you acquire must be presented to Him as your way of expressing your heartfelt gratitude and thanksgiving. 

You can only accomplish all things in Christ who stengthens you. He shall continue to make you grow into a strong and successful entrepreneur, filled with His wisdom and power. Your company shall further expand its boundaries.

Do what the law requires. The foundation of the law must always be built on love for God and for others. It must not be used to abuse and oppress people. It should encourage works of mercy and produce a well formed society. It efficacy greatly depends on how you are led to God's thoughts and ways. Jesus did not abolish the law but instead fulfills it for the sake of humanity.

The elderly people are a blessing. They bring the traditions of the past into the future. They are a bridge between yesterday and tomorrow. We all need to be purified before entering God’s kingdom. Christ has conquered the evil one. We no longer need to fear his power.

Recognize the power of prayer and commit to make time for intercession. Come forward and give thanks to God. Speak highly of the Lord.

December 30, 2023, 7:28 AM