The favor of God is upon you through Christ. Perform everything according to God's Word and you shall grow strong, filled with wisdom, and the favor of God.
You are a child of God in Christ. All the good works that are happening to you each day comes from the Lord's great love for you. His hands enable you to do things that are far beyond your expectations, bringing about so much joy and happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction.
Each day, the Lord pours out grace upon grace without measure so that you may enjoy the abundant fruits of His hands. Each and every thing that you acquire must be presented to Him as your way of expressing your heartfelt gratitude and thanksgiving.
You can only accomplish all things in Christ who stengthens you. He shall continue to make you grow into a strong and successful entrepreneur, filled with His wisdom and power. Your company shall further expand its boundaries.
Do what the law requires. The foundation of the law must always be built on love for God and for others. It must not be used to abuse and oppress people. It should encourage works of mercy and produce a well formed society. It efficacy greatly depends on how you are led to God's thoughts and ways. Jesus did not abolish the law but instead fulfills it for the sake of humanity.
The elderly people are a blessing. They bring the traditions of the past into the future. They are a bridge between yesterday and tomorrow. We all need to be purified before entering God’s kingdom. Christ has conquered the evil one. We no longer need to fear his power.
Recognize the power of prayer and commit to make time for intercession. Come forward and give thanks to God. Speak highly of the Lord.
December 30, 2023, 7:28 AM