Thursday, January 2, 2025

Remain in the Lord!

Today, the Lord anoints you as His disciple. He is your one and true teacher who teaches you about everything that is true. Your true identity and purpose are at the palm of God's hands.

God's light of life has come to you and His glory shines upon you. Hold on to your anointing and knowledge of the truth, not easily persuaded or influenced by events, circumstances, and personalities that may come your way. Make straight the way of the Lord.

In the old days, one can say, "whoever God has anointed becomes a ruler". But today, one says "whoever has the Gold rules". People have become a totally materialistic generation to the point that the common excuse is, "God will understand, I have to bring food to the table, I have to pay the bills, or I have to cope up with the standard of living". I . . ., I, . . . always I, no longer the Lord!

On the other hand, the rulers of the land came up with a saying, "Ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do for your country". In total contrast with the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the One truly Ruler, "Ask and You shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you." 

Jesus is the way that leads to life. Life in the world is temporary but life in the Lord is eternal and everlasting. Others may deceive you, but God will always be true to you. At the guise of being concerned, you can be deceived by a person whose true intent is born out of his own selfish ambition and interest.

Follow the examples of Jesus as a ruler. Instead of projecting Himself as the Mighty and Powerful King, He chose to obey the Father in becoming a Shepherd. To be a ruler is to be like a shepherd who tends his flock with tender loving care, in the same manner as a father who cares a lot for his children. 

Be radiant at what you see. Your heart shall throb and overflow, for the riches of the sea shall be emptied out before you, the wealth of nations shall be brought to you. Always stick to the Lord and you will never go wrong. Walang Iwanan!

January 02, 2024, 6:57 AM