Thursday, December 26, 2024

Do Not Worry

God gives you what you need at the precise time and moment.

The Lord reveals what is in store for you when it comes to the home and shelter that He will give to you. He will make this a secret between you and Him alone, hiding it from those who would plot against it. Stand confident in the Lord Jesus' words that you should not worry about anything but in all circumstances be thankful that You are always in the presence of God. 

The Lord is your rock and your fortress; for His name’s sake He will lead and guide you. He is your rock of refuge, a stronghold to give you safety. He shall rescue you from the clutches of your enemies and persecutors. Hold firm to your faith as you face the trials and persecutions that may come your way. 

The Lord shall give you wisdom and courage to boldly and firmly face the challenges that the world brings. Let the Lord's face shine upon you as His servant and save you in His kindness. Rejoice and be glad of God's mercy.

You possess the power of the Lord's great and mighty hands. Into His hands, commend your spirit. Fully surrender your life's faith and destiny into the Father's hand through Christ in whom your whole life depends.

December 26, 2023, 7:19 AM