Friday, December 27, 2024

Complete Joy!

Write this so that your joy may be complete.

God will bring you to the mountaintops. Here the Lord will unfold greater things to come for you and your family. 

The time to run is here and now. Your first order of the day is to always run to the Risen Lord! The Lord's resurrection speaks of greater things that will happen to your life. The empty tomb shows that your wish and desire is not only contained in a box but is far more. Run as fast as you can so that you may stand out as a winner. Believed that you shall rise and will be vindicated. 

Early bird catches the worm.  The Lord rises you up early each day so that you can do and accomplish a lot of things. He gives you the edge and opportunity to always be the first in catching His graces and tremendous blessings. 

God loves you unconditionally despite your sins. He has always favored your prayers to live gloriously and abundantly all the days of your life. He continues to shower you with His immense graces and blessings that makes you rich in every way. 

The Lord has blessed you of having a very loving and caring family. It is because of them that you are moved to work hard in order to give them a very bright future and a well secured life. This is the very reason why you hold tight to God as the one true giver of all things. 

Love and cherish your children while they are still young for a time will come when they will advance in wisdom and age and eventually leave to pursue their own lives. Each child of God has a mission and purpose in the world that only the Lord knows. What will bind you together is the love that you have for one another.

Justice and judgment are the foundation of God's throne. Cast all your cares upon the Lord in complete surrender to His will.

December 27, 2023, 6:09 AM