The Lord will grant all the desires and wishes of your heart.
The Lord rules over your life today. You are not subordinate to anybody except the Lord who is your true King and Master. As the Lord's steward, you shall make a full and regular report and devote your time, talent, and treasure for the glory of God.
You live in a generation where most people are wayward and rebellious. A generation that kept not its heart steadfast nor its spirit faithful towards God.
The true test of faith is for one to still respond to the same degree of obedience in the light of hardships and difficulties that one faces. To be faithful is not conditional, it is absolute. It requires full submission of oneself to the Lord. No ifs nor buts, only total obedience to God's will.
Right is right, wrong is wrong, there is nothing in between. There is no excuse for disobedience. Strive to enter into that rest, so that no one may fall after the same example of disobedience. For whom the Lord loves He chastens and scourges every son whom He receives.
Pray to the Lord that He may grant you the wisdom to know and understand His will with regards to your function, rights, and assignment based on God's structure of leadership. Always be open minded and obedient to what the Lord says.
At the end of the day, what will matter and count most is your own character. They will either accept or reject you based on your own doing.
January 14, 2024, 5:37 AM