Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Rise Up to a New Life in Christ!

The most common trouble and concern of people today is always focused on their financial problems. A person feels more secured if he has enough resources or savings in case of need.

In this generation where you live, things are easily said than done. Those who can easily avoid sins are those who do not experience hardships. One can easily be obedient if given the abundance of resources as an expression of their thankfulness and appreciation of God's generosity.

What is amazing is the fact that if the Lord makes you poor in some ways, He shall also make you rich in other vast ways. Having troubles can remind you of your dependency on your maker. Rest upon the assurance that God did not intend anybody to be poor for He is not poor but rich and powerful. He wants everybody to be just like Him.

For so long as one suffers, he will always depend upon God. Going through the motion and not just learning them by way of reading can cause one to say that "I have been there, and I have completely understood the way of life that God wills for me".

You are at peace knowing that the Lord had blessed you with more than enough resources. Resources that will serve as your build-up fund for the acquisition, building, and development of the property that the Lord will give to you in the village where you now dwell.

January 15, 2024, 6:57 AM