Saturday, August 31, 2024

Divine Calling

Human wisdom and strength, not the basis for His call,
God uses anyone, the great and the small.
Regardless of background, abilities, or fame,
He chooses the humble to glorify His name.

In our weaknesses, we should not despair,
For God’s mighty hand is always there.
Cultivate humility, let pride take flight,
Our worth and abilities come from His light.

Boast not in achievements, but in the Lord,
Give Him the glory, our true reward.
In every success, acknowledge His grace,
Keep focus on God, in gratitude embrace.

Christ is our wisdom, our righteousness true,
Sanctification and redemption, all found in You.
The body of Christ, diverse and grand,
Each part intentional, by His hand planned.

Rely on Christ for growth and transformation,
Seek His guidance, follow His foundation.
Trust in His work, His teachings embrace,
In His love and wisdom, find your place.