Friday, August 23, 2024

Love’s Commandments

In the sacred whispers of ancient days, 
Jesus spoke truths that forever blaze. 
He beckoned us to love with hearts aflame, 
To weave compassion into our very name.

“Love God,” He said, with fervent devotion, 
Not mere rituals, but a soul’s wide ocean. 
Not rules alone, but a dance of grace, 
A personal bond in love’s embrace.

Our hearts, like altars, should burn bright, 
With flames of passion, day and night. 
For God, the Author of life’s grand song, 
We sing our love, our praises strong.

Yet Jesus wove threads of love so fine, 
Binding God’s heart to yours and mine. 
“Love your neighbor,” He declared with fire, 
Not just the friend, but the stranger, the mire.

In kindness, compassion, and tender care, 
We honor God’s image everywhere. 
For love is not passive, a mere sentiment, 
It’s action, a verb—a life well-spent.

The vertical love, our ascent to the skies, 
Meets the horizontal, where compassion lies. 
In loving God, we find our neighbor’s face, 
And in loving them, we touch God’s grace.

The hurting, the stranger, the ones we shun, 
All are our neighbors under the same sun. 
Enemies, too, deserve our selflessness, 
A radical call to love’s boundlessness.

Jesus, the Master, wove these threads tight, 
Binding heaven and earth in love’s pure light. 
All laws, all prophets, find their core here, 
In love’s sweet symphony, crystal clear.

So let our lives be love’s living creed, 
A reflection of God’s eternal need. 
As we seek His will, let love be our guide, 
Transforming hearts, forever unified.