Saturday, September 7, 2024

Lord of the Sabbath

In the stillness of the Sabbath, Jesus speaks, 
Declaring His lordship, His divine peaks. 
Sovereign and mighty, He stands above, 
Reminding us of His boundless love.

The Sabbath’s true purpose, He makes clear, 
Not burdensome rules, but rest sincere. 
A time for restoration, for hearts to mend, 
In His presence, our spirits ascend.

God’s care for us, both body and soul, 
In times of need, He makes us whole. 
Compassion and mercy, He places first, 
Over strict laws, His love does burst.

The spirit of the law, more than the letter, 
In mercy and kindness, we find the better. 
Interactions with others, filled with grace, 
Reflecting His love in every place.

This lesson calls us to seek and grow, 
In understanding God’s will, to know. 
Open to renewal, our spirits rise, 
In His wisdom, we find our prize.