Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Authenticity’s Call

True righteousness transcends mere show, 
Beyond external piety, it seeks to know, 
The heart transformed, the inner flame, 
Where faith and deeds align, in Jesus’ name.

No masquerade of religiosity we wear, 
But authenticity, a garment rare, 
Our lives transparent, our motives pure, 
Reflecting grace and love, steadfast and sure.

Beware false teachings, whispers in disguise, 
Half-truths that lead astray, veiled lies, 
Seek wisdom in God’s Word, the anchor firm, 
Diligently study, discern, and learn.

Like Jesus, we’re called to turn and repent, 
Examine our hearts, our flaws relent, 
The Holy Spirit’s work, a sanctifying fire, 
Changing us from within, our true desire.

So let us walk this path with open hearts, 
Embrace transformation, where grace imparts, 
Authenticity, consistency, and faith’s sweet song, 
In Christ alone, we find where we belong.