Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Eagerly Awaiting

In the quiet of dawn, as the sun ascends, 
We rise with purpose, our hearts on amends. 
For work is our offering, a labor of love, 
A canvas where faith meets the skies above.

With hands that toil and minds that seek, 
We build our tomorrows, both strong and meek. 
In diligence, we find our sacred refrain, 
A hymn of devotion, a steadfast domain.

Challenges come, like tempests unbidden, 
Yet we stand unwavering, our faith unhidden. 
For God’s timing we trust, His purpose secure, 
As we weave our days with threads pure.

And when shadows lengthen, and trials persist, 
We remember the promise—the Savior’s twist. 
Jesus, our hope, the triumphant King, 
Shall return in glory, our hearts joyfully sing.

So let us live out our faith, hands in the soil, 
As we await His coming, our hearts set to boil. 
For work is our worship, our diligence true, 
Eagerly awaiting the dawn of the new.