Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Guardians of Truth

In the quiet chambers of our hearts, 
Where whispers echo and shadows play, 
We tread upon the fragile threads of trust, 
Balancing truth and rumor’s sway.

Jesus, the gentle Teacher, never spoke 
The words “gossip” or “slander,” yet His wisdom 
Resounds through time, urging us to guard 
Our tongues, lest they wound and imprison.

Gossip, the Temptress:

She dances in the corners of conversation, 
A sly enchantress, weaving tales unseen, 
Her lips dripping with half-truths and innuendo, 
A poison that tarnishes souls pristine.

“Did you hear?” she murmurs, eyes alight, 
Spreading secrets like wildfire in the wind. 
She thrives on stolen glances, hushed confessions, 
And the thrill of unraveling what’s hidden.

Slander, the Accuser:

His tongue, a blade forged in malice, 
Cuts deep into the fabric of another’s name, 
He whispers falsehoods, casting shadows, 
Leaving scars that burn with silent shame.

“They say,” he scoffs, weaving wicked tales, 
Painting portraits of guilt upon innocence. 
His venomous words, like acid rain, corrode, 
Eroding trust, leaving hearts in dissonance.

Truth, the Unyielding Light:

Yet amidst this murky labyrinth of words, 
A beacon shines—a truth unyielding, bright. 
Jesus beckons us to seek wisdom’s well, 
To discern the sacred from the counterfeit.

His teachings echo across hills and valleys, 
Resonating in hearts hungry for clarity. 
“Blessed are the peacemakers,” He declares, 
Those who mend broken bonds with sincerity.

Love, the Healing Balm:

For love, dear friend, is the antidote, 
The salve that soothes wounds inflicted. 
Speak truth, but wrap it in compassion’s embrace, 
For love’s language is gentle, never vindictive.

Let us be guardians of truth, vigilant and kind, 
Testing every doctrine against God’s Word. 
May our tongues be instruments of grace, 
And our hearts seek wisdom from the Lord.