Sunday, August 25, 2024

Abide in Grace

In the quiet of dawn, when shadows retreat, 
I find solace in the whispers of grace. 
For Jesus, the Vine, calls us to abide, 
A lifelong choice, not a fleeting embrace.

His love, like a river, flows ceaselessly, 
Persistent and unwavering, day by day. 
Just as an alcoholic seeks sobriety, 
We seek His presence, our strength and stay.

The world tempts us with fleeting pleasures, 
But our faith rests in Jesus alone. 
He holds the keys to eternal life, 
A refuge where weary souls find their home.

So let us abide, rooted in His truth, 
Nourished by His Word, our hearts aligned. 
For in Christ, we discover life abundant, 
And eternity’s promise—the grand design.