Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Sacred Bond

In the quiet chapel of hearts entwined, 
Two souls unite, their destinies aligned. 
As Christ loves His Church, so they aspire, 
To mirror grace and set each other on fire.

Husband, a shepherd with gentle might, 
Guardian of love, in day and night. 
His touch, a sacrament, his words a prayer, 
He sanctifies her soul with tender care.

Wife, a vessel of strength and grace, 
Her submission not weakness, but a sacred space. 
She yields, not to chains, but to love’s sweet call, 
A dance of reverence, where both stand tall.

Together they honor, serve, and adore, 
In this holy union, forevermore. 
For marriage blooms where selflessness thrives, 
And Christ’s love echoes through their lives.