Saturday, August 31, 2024

Stewards of God's Grace

God has entrusted us with gifts so rare,
Talents and resources beyond compare.
As stewards of His bounty, we must strive,
To use them wisely, keep His love alive.

He knows our strengths, our every need,
Equips us well, in word and deed.
For His glory and others’ gain,
We work with joy, through sun and rain.

Success demands our diligent hand,
Proactive hearts, a firm, strong stand.
In every task, both great and small,
We answer His divine call.

Responsibility is ours to bear,
To seize each chance, with utmost care.
For inaction breeds a stagnant soul,
But effort leads to a greater whole.

Eternal rewards await the true,
For those who serve in all they do.
“Well done, good servant,” He will say,
As joy and peace crown our way.