Sunday, September 1, 2024

God’s Commandments

God’s commandments, more than mere rules, 
Guide us to wisdom, life’s precious jewels. 
Unaltered, perfect, His laws stand tall, 
In their completeness, we find our call.

Living by principles, His light we share, 
A testimony of love, beyond compare. 
Obedience to His word, our sacred duty, 
In pleasing Him, we find life’s beauty.

God’s ways are just, always right, 
In His wisdom, we find our sight. 
Even when His plans we don’t understand, 
Trust in His justice, His guiding hand.

Let our faith shine, a beacon bright, 
Showing the world His love and light. 
Our actions, a witness to His grace, 
In righteousness, we find our place.

Maintain the covenant, faithful and true, 
In obedience, our hearts renew. 
Cherish the bond, uphold His name, 
For He is faithful, ever the same.