Sunday, September 1, 2024

Transparent Hearts

 In all our dealings, let us be sincere, 
Transparent hearts, with motives clear. 
Living blamelessly, doing what’s right, 
In God’s pure love, we find our light.

Avoiding slander, harmful words we shun, 
Building trust and respect, one by one. 
With kindness and fairness, neighbors we treat, 
Reflecting God’s love, in every heartbeat.

No grudges held, no ill words spoken, 
Promoting peace, where bonds are broken. 
Honoring those who fear the Lord, 
Rejecting wickedness, in one accord.

Promises kept, even when tough, 
Reliability and faithfulness, more than enough. 
Avoiding greed, with justice in mind, 
Compassionate hearts, in God’s design.

No bribes taken, fairness we uphold, 
Integrity in community, pure as gold. 
Regularly we examine, actions and thoughts, 
Aligning with principles, that God has taught.